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Experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by

17 Jul

Unfortunetaly technology is conspiring against us. I type this on a hotel computer in a WordPress box that isn’t displaying the type, so I’m flying blind as it were- pardon any typos. Mrs. Damn’s laptop died, and we’re still without phones that will do anythingother than text-only email. Add to that a check engine light in the new Mazda and I’m feeling a bit let down by our devices, but such is life. Twitpics will continue in the sidebar, as we’re able.

We’ve had various changes of plans… I flew out of Denver to visit my grandmother in Penswood Villlage, where she’s planning as graceful an exit as possible despite increasing discomfort. Had a couple days there with my father as well, then flew back to Denver, and drove with the family back through Kansas, Missouri, Indiana (with a stop at our alma matter, Earlham College), Ohio, W. VA, Western PA, and today’s drive through PA with diversions through MD when I forgot we’d levft on a feature in the GPS to avoid toll roads.  It’s been a pretty hellish week, overall, and everyone’s been at the end of their ropes.  Did make it in time to have dinner in Pennswood though, and for my grandmother to finally meet the twins.

From here, we’ll have tomorrow morning again with my grandmother and the Uncle who’s been with her for the last couple weeks, then head to Richmond VA to tackle some initial logisttics (school registration for Moon, parekingpoermit for the moving pod and the cars, check on the laptop and car problems, etcf.then back up here to PA then on to Montaulk NY, then back.

At any rate, wish us luck, and I hope we’re able to be more connected in the near future… ideally without having to spend too many more hundreds of dollars this trip…